Are you a fan of the new Clear Mount stamps? If you're not sure the advantages of one over the other then check this post from September that discusses the differences between clear mount versus wood mount. If you do decide to purchase clear mount stamps then be sure you have the right size clear block to use with the stamps you buy.
Stampin'Up! carries 9 different size Acrylic blocks for our clear mount stamps. And picking the right size block for the image is really easy! Did you know that both the image in the catalog AND the image on the cover of the clear mount stamp set are printed ACTUAL size. That makes it easy to choose the right block. Just lay the block over the image to see if it fits. And be sure you saw yesterday's post about choosing the right size punch for your image.
Stampin'Up! carries 9 different size Acrylic blocks for our clear mount stamps. And picking the right size block for the image is really easy! Did you know that both the image in the catalog AND the image on the cover of the clear mount stamp set are printed ACTUAL size. That makes it easy to choose the right block. Just lay the block over the image to see if it fits. And be sure you saw yesterday's post about choosing the right size punch for your image.

But I really love that I can see at a glance if they're all there or if one is lost in the mess on my desk. I helps me keep organized (and believe me, I need all the help I can get!) An empty hole in the case means I have a missing block somewhere.

Click HERE to see it live. And while you're there be sure to check the Clearance Rack. The product there changes constantly but you'll be sure to find some great bargains. Browse the Stampin'UP! store, shop on-line and have it delivered to your door. Life made easy.
Happy Stamping
Here to make your stamping experience more pleasurable and more productive.
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