Monday, June 13, 2011

Meet-UP to Keep-UP with my Stampin'UP! events.

Hmmm... I just re-read the post title. I guess things are looking UP!

If you are local to the Dane County area you are invited to JOIN MY MEETUP GROUP, the Stoughton Stampers.

I just discovered this cool website that's like a community bulletin board. Its called On this site you can
**browse the events in your area and you can define your search by interest area
**you can indicate your interest areas and the website will send you a notice once a week of any meetups happening that week
**you can JOIN a group and get notifications for that group's events. You can also RSVP online and see who else is going.

I thought it might be an interesting way for some folks to RSVP to my events. People have different comfort levels with technology so I know this won't be used by everyone who comes to my events, but I'm hoping that my regular stampers will join the group.

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